Educate Yourself – Be Your Own Fertility Expert

After doing some tests, is your doctor recommending  IVF as your best option for getting pregnant?  Have you spoken to other couples or women that have gone through this and aware of the time commitment and what is involved in the process?  Are you prepared to go through this process more than once?    What books are resources are you using to educate and inform yourself?

 IVF and fertilityHave you spoken to your insurance to find out what is and what is not covered?  IVF can be a time intensive, very painful, very uncomfortable and incredibly invasive and very expensive process that many have to attempt more than once.     IVF involves a series of painful, uncomfortable and time consuming procedures as well as giving yourself injections at home.  It’s a serious health commitment that will be all-consuming for a period of your life.   Being as informed and educated as possible can reduce frustration and confusion so going into the IVF process without doing your due diligence is not a wise idea.

Being prepared for this process both mentally, physically and financially is critical before you embark on this.   Make sure your partner is well informed as well since his support is going to be critical.   You might need to plan to take some time off of work as well since many visits to the clinic will be involved so plan for some days off during egg retrieval days and after taking fertility drugs as well. 

Make sure to nourish and rest before and after procedures so that can feel replenished instead of depleted.  Even if you go this route instead of purely using holistic fertility methods, being as healthy and having as much vitality as possible will boost your chances for success.

Become Your Own Fertility Boss

Are you letting doctors be completely in charge of your path to pregnancy?   Do you feel like a helpless victim at the mercy of the fertility gods?  What are you doing to make your body as clean, sparkling and welcoming a home for the life you want to grow inside of you?  What kind of spring-cleaning are you doing?

How are you eliminating toxins…. in your diet, beauty products, cleaning products?  What kind of movement are you doing to oxgenate and strengthen?

What kind of practices are you doing to ease the stress of conceiving – meditation?  Better and more sleep?  Yoga?  Massage?  The more you choose to become your own master of health the more empowered you will feel in your own ability to conceive.  You will feel more in control which will help to ease anxiety and reduce cortisol (the stress hormone)  The more cortisol in your system, the more it throws your delicate hormonal balance into pandemonium.