How much or how little water do you get every day?   Are most of your liquids in the form of sugary or caffeinated drinks?  How much alcohol are you drinking every day?

Do you read the labels of the liquids?  Are they filled with sugar and chemicals or are they filled with pure and clean ingredients?    How much coffee are you drinking every day?  More than 1 cup?

Do you drink lots of “Power Drinks” or things labeled “Natural Juice”.  Sadly most drinks that are labeled and marketing this way are quite toxic in that all kinds of artificial sweeteners, colors, chemicals are thrown in there to make them taste sweet.  You’ll see pictures of vitamins and succulent fruits and vegetables on the bottle but if you actually read the ingredient list, the amount of artificial sugar and coloring agents does nothing but deplete you.

There are no laws out there to ban companies from labeling and marketing things as “Natural” even if they are just a chemical soup-storm?

So what is a trusting consumer to do?  Read labels.

If there are ingredients in the juices and drinks that sound like a chemical soup-storm then it far from “natural”.   There should be no added sugar or coloring agents or artificial flavors.

Your safest bet is to make your own juices with a juicer or to only purchase it from a fresh juicing place where you can see them actually juicing fruit and vegetables.    If that is not a viable option for you and you aren’t in the taste of plain water all the time, then add some fresh orange, cucumber or lemon slices to your water…. it will be like being in a pricey resort spa.

Water helps to revitalize your cells and flush out toxins so the more water the more renewal and alive you will feel.  A side benefit of drinking more water is that bottled drinks are PRICEY!  Your wallet will be much fatter and happier as well when you reduce the sugary drinks.