Using affirmations to shift finances

Using affirmations to shift finances

Every wonder why we have the same thoughts every day?  Every day the same fears?  The same hopes?  Why is it that 99% of our thoughts are the same thoughts every single day?  Do you wonder how much power your thoughts have?  Ever wondered how you could create new thoughts?

I’ve been reading one of Wayne Dyer’s books on and off over the last 6 months, although other spiritual leaders such as the ones who wrote “The Secret”, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Lynn Grabhorn who are all about of gratitude and self-love.   I wondered…. instead of these mundane things that seem to jump run, race and jump like a track event in my head what if I didn’t let those thoughts frolick and swim amuck inside.     This personal self-help guru and master teacher of the power of thought has been very influential to me lately.  Before I go to bed, I have been making it a point to consciously create thoughts that could marinate in my unconscious.  I started to choose thoughts using the power of your own mind to alter your destiny. My hubby and I have a rule about what we talk about right before we drift off to sleep – no business talk in bed.  I don’t want profit and loss statements dancing in my head in my slumber.

What would happen…. I bemused out loud… instead of wondering if I had enough money left in my bank account to pay all my bills and how I was going to get more…… what if my predominant thought was ” I love myself”.  So for the last few weeks, this has been my predominant thought…. when I go to sleep, when I wake up and often during the day.  My wild-elephant-that-just-escaped-from-the-circus-mind always wanted to come back to thoughts of my Verizon balance,  emails to check, my endless well of Twitter feeds,  laundry to change or groceries to buy.  I would sometimes catch myself and then use my own Jedi mind trick on myself to not indulge in thoughts of the mundane, errands, work or my declining bank account.

Using the Power of Thought

Using the Power of Thought

So what are the results?  I feel like I am starting to get results in areas of business and finance with less pushing and more allowing.  Instead of feeling like I have to hustle and pressure, I just detach from the outcome and let my thought of ” I love myself take” over.  I am especially mindful of my thoughts first thing in the morning so I can plant seeds of positivity that can sprout during the day and at night where these uplifting mantra can marinate and percolate.  I’ve found that instead of struggling so much with finances that for the first time I had 4 digits in my account by the end of the month instead of 2 digits.  Wow!  That has not happened in awhile.  YAY!

So I am just in the beginning of my own science experiment.

Have you ever done a thought control experiment?  What was your internal monologue?  What ended up shifting for you?