There are a number of personal hygiene practices that can lead to an increased sense of purity, wellness and vitality as it relates to a yogic lifestyle.  Since the modern diet, which is centered around convenience, speed and mass production does not always correlate to food that is clean and full of nourishment.  Since we are grossly unprotected by our government to regulate cleanliness and nourishment for the food industry, we are left to our own devices to find food that gives us vitality and strength.
A vegetarian diet is usually more ideal since all the chemicals, hormones and anti-biotics that are in meat and dairy products can make us sick. Even in eating a vegetarian diet it is best to abstain from white flour, white pasta, white rice and white sugar as well since these products have been severely denourished in the modern production process.

The simplest advice we could give is when you read a package of in ingredients and you do not recognize the ingredients in them, then it probably means that they are synthetic chemicals that can only harm the body.  The more unrecognizable ingredients, the worse it must be for you.  As far as diet goes, eating raw is even more energizing and we endeavor to have a few meals a week this way.  I find that when I cook for myself with whole ingredients, instead of buying pre-made and prepackaged foods is when I tend to feel the most nourished.  I endeavor to purchase organic foods from local purveyors in order to respect and honor our earth as well.

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

The more I learn about the harmful practices and foods that the worldwide food industry practices, the more diligent I become about what I purchase in the supermarket.  I have read dozens of books about food production, diet, wellness etc.  Each book I read, I endeavor to incorporate a few key lessons into my diet.  I recently read a book where I learned the distinction between different production methods of olive oil which make a tremendous difference in how one assimilates this very popular and often used ingredient. Now, I will only buy cold-pressed or expeller pressed, first press extra virgin olive oil.  Self-reliance and a determination to discover the healthiest ways to feed oneself are critical in an age where we rely on others to grow, prepare and regulate our food.


How does yoga transform you physically, mentally and spiritually to achieve your yoga weightloss goals?  How can you choosing a yoga teacher help you get there faster with weightloss? How do you go about choosing a yoga teacher?

  • Release chronic pain, tightness and that frozen feeling in your body through juicy stretching and deep breathing.
  • Each breath, coupled with movement and intention allows you to create the space for change.
  • Gain clarity to detach from outcomes during your day so that decisions and obstacles become less stressful, which keeps you off the emotional roller coaster for good.
  • An uplifting & restful class that will leave you buzzing with vitality & connect you to a deep sense of inner wisdom so you can focus on what you want to manifest in your life