I’ve been teaching Prenatal Yoga for Beginners in the Philadelphia area and I’ve noticed that often women will embrace or discover yoga for the first time in their life when they are pregnant?  I wonder what it is about this practice that beckons women to have a greater attunement to their body and spiritual practices at this time of their life.

I really love teaching prenatal yoga for beginners since I feel like I get to be a part of one of the most exciting and intimate times of a woman’s life. You get to be a part of the some of the biggest hopes and dreams of women.  I’ve also learned so much about birth, delivery, pregnancy and healthcare in general by teaching this prenatal class.  I always have the women start in a circle so we they can share their hopes, fear and tips about pregnancy so they can feel a sense of community and connection to other to-be-mommies.prenatal-yoga-poses

In some of my other yoga classes, students compare themselves harshly to the other students and sometimes push themselves to the point of discomfort so they can look like the other students.  In the prenatal yoga classes for beginners, the students are always at their most conservative and they are not worried about doing the fullest expression of the pose.


Pregnancy is a great time to learn how to emotionally, spiritually and physically release, open up and let go. Yoga also help you find the time and space to look within yourself, allowing you to openly explore your own intrinsic knowledge about the cycles of life. Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga is a comprehensive and safe form of exercise during pregnancy and postpartum. Prenatal Yoga Classes are taught by highly qualified staff trained in Yoga Alliance Certified guidelines, methods and practices. Our yoga practice is gentle and nurturing, yet safe and supportive, so that mother and baby obtain the maximum benefit from postures without any strain.

Prenatal yoga links postures and breathing exercises to create awareness of your own mind, body and spirit, and the spirit of your baby. Yoga is ideal preparation for giving birth. Our yoga program is taught in a way that will help you access your own intuitive understanding of birth while helping you to connect to your partner.

Breathing practice during pregnancy opens the chest and helps to improve circulation in both mother and baby, ensuring a better supply of oxygen to the blood. It also calms the nerves and gives the mother greater control of her breathing during labor.


Since nausea is common during the first trimester, it may be helpful to practice in a well-ventilated room.  During the second trimester your growing belly will require modifying some poses. Use common sense and avoid putting undue pressure on the abdomen in poses like Head To Knee Postures, Seated Forward Fold, and Forward Bends Towards the Knee, as well as  Seated Spinal Twists. You may also choose to reduce the amount of vinyasa (flowing postures) if generating heat in the body makes you uncomfortable. The third trimester will require you to continue to adapt and even omit certain postures.  Standing poses like Extended Triangle Pose, and Extended Side Angle Pose can help relieve back pain. A simple inversion such as Legs-Up-the-Wall-Pose can help to relieve swollen ankles.  Some poses might require additional props or support (blocks, blankets, bolsters).  Through each trimester the most important thing is to tune in to what your body is telling you and alter your practice accordingly. During and after your pregnancy, try not to be attached to your previous abilities or level of flexibility.