
Looking for Meditation,Yoga, Spas, in Philadelphia?

Learn meditation techniques to heal the spirit and achieve Shanti.  Self-defeating core beliefs manifest themselves in a variety of ways from perpetual complaining, constant depression, feelings of worthlessness or discontent, self-serving behaviors, addictions, and more daily actions or harmful habits which make it difficult to connect with the world around us. A lot of people go to spas for meditation, yoga and to heal their spirit.  Why do you go to a spa?  Massage?  Meditation?  Yoga?  Relaxation?
Meditation is the most holistic method of achieving Shanti (Sanskrit: Inner peace through divine understanding), which – incidentally – is the most effective spiritual tool for living life on life’s terms.  The human brain is complex, and we begin to establish core beliefs at a very early age; and all too often, deeply engrained self defeating perceptions are being formed.
These core beliefs affect us all throughout the rest of our lives until we take steps through therapy, meditation techniques, yoga, or all of the above to better understand and decrease the amount of poison we carry in our own souls.
Meditation Techniques
OM is one of the most commonly associated resonance syllables associated with various meditation techniques.  The word, itself, means nothing.  The sound is used repetitiously to induce a meditative state.  By focusing on inhaling and exhaling with a slow, monotone, “OM;” you are providing your own ‘hypnotic sound wave’ to help your mind listen to divine knowledge acquired through meditation to achieve Shanti.
How to Meditate
Effective meditation requires comfort and silence, unless the background noise is that of soothing music, sounds of nature, or the voice of a meditation guide.  Another accessory you may wish to have accessible is a candle in case you find it difficult to focus your attention on the very present.
Find a comfortable place to sit on the floor, using either a carpeted room or some type of cushion which allows you to be seated and balanced without effort.  Cross your legs in front of you where your knees are in a position which is conducive to comfortably resting your wrists on them with your palms facing upward.  If you are unable to sit comfortably with your legs crossed, you may try lying down on a comfortable surface with your arms extended to your sides and your palms facing upward.
Why palms facing upward? The palms are believed to be a superhighway through which Universal Life Force Energy may flow.  Positioning your palms open and upward opens you up to receive the maximum spiritual benefit of meditation.
To begin meditating, either close your eyes or focus on the candle in front of you and begin breathing long, slow, controlled breaths.  If you are relying on OM to help you find your meditative state, inhale a deep breath with a count of at least 6-8 seconds, and release slowly in a monotone, resonating voice, “Ooommmmmm.”  It’s important you hold on the the ‘mmm.’  Your teeth should not be touching, your lips should be barely together, and you should feel a slight tingle or vibration on your lips.  Repeat this sequence until your mind is clear of all obstructions and your soul is open to listen to the Divine Voice.
If you find it difficult to focus, try staring at the candle in front of you while you inhale, hold your breath, and exhale, all for an equal amount of time.  Stare at the flame until you’re able to close your eyes and capture it in the center of your mental vision.  If it disappears before you’ve achieved your desired place of inner peace, open your eyes and find the candle again; and remember to stay focused on your breathing.


Guest Blog by Michael Westbrook
Resource: Hello, I’m Michael Westbrook – recovering smoker.  Meditation was a vital step in my recovery from nicotine addiction, as it helped to heal my spirit and reward me with a more positive outlook on life and the world around me.