Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

Did you know that most men gain 15 pounds within the first year they get married?   Results are similar for women.  Why is this we feel once we have “landed” someone that we no longer need to try and impress them.  I know when I was single I would forbid myself from eating white bread, I just didn’t feel like I had the luxury of getting fat.

Yoga is an exhilarating fitness challenge that allows couples to clear their heads, melting away anxiety and stress. The steady flow of poses encourages couples to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of the human body. Encouraging each other in class helps build strong bonds of communication and trust. You will connect with your partner on a deeper level when you take a yoga class together.  Working up a sweat naturally induces the release of endorphins, making you feel happier and more content.   Yoga establishes the ultimate connection to your own body. You will find it much easier to connect to your partner’s body once you are able to connect to your own.

Stretching with your loved one turns the tables on the rat race, allowing you both to be in the moment and renewing your connection

What is the purpose of yoga?

Most non-practitioners of yoga assume that yogis are flexible and strong.  While that is indeed true, there’s more to the practice of yoga than a fabulous body.  Yoga brings a sense of quiet and stillness with a focus on deep, rhythmic breathing and the challenge to honor your body where it is on a particular day.  Let it go and allow your mind, body and spirit to come into alignment…that’s the mindset of a yogi.

However, partner yoga, where two yogis work in tandem, is playful and fun, exploratory—and harder than it looks.   To experience the depth of partner yoga, the partners must be willing to support and be supported and work as a team to deepen into poses together.   Encouraging and synchronizing each partner’s breath takes yogis further into postures and brings a sense of exhilaration upon realizing what has been accomplished jointly.Watching yogis release from shared asanas enriches the practice as the partners enthuse “wow, I never thought I could go so deeply into that pose!” or reveling in the intimacy of sharing something so personal with another.

  • Yoga is not about self-improvement, it’s about self-acceptance.
  • Yoga is a discipline, a practical philosophy to experience individual consciousness through the union of body, mind, and spirit.
  • We are each responsible for our spiritual growth and healing and yoga provides us with a way to move towards optimum vitality.
  • Yoga was originally created as a series of asanas (asana literally means “seat”) or positions that prepare the individual to do the work of meditation and to heal the body to its natural state.

We try to get close and stay close in a relationship — but our tactics often put a strain on the very bonds we’re trying to strengthen. Why not try breaking new ground? Get close with a partner yoga practice, and see how you can use it to strengthen your connection while having fun together.

What are things you and your sweetie do together to tone up and bond (keep it PG Rated guys) and have you done couples yoga for weight loss…..?