Fertility Tests

Tests – Have you had any diagnostic fertility tests by healthcare providers to ensure there is nothing mechanically wrong with your tubes or your partner’s sperm?  Are you over 35?  Have you been struggling with conceiving for more than 6 months?    Fertility Tests

Some basic fertility tests can make sure that there are no blocked tubes, polpys or low sperm count that could making getting pregnant without Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). 

Find a Reproductive Endocrinologist to help you through this process which you can usually find at any fertility center.   

Do you possibly have endometriosis?  An undiagnosed thyroid condition?  Does your husband have a low sperm count?  All of these conditions can be undiagnosed for a long time and can be blocks to fertility. 

Become Your Own Fertility Boss

Are you letting doctors be completely in charge of your path to pregnancy?   Do you feel like a helpless victim at the mercy of the fertility gods?  What are you doing to make your body as clean, sparkling and welcoming a home for the life you want to grow inside of you?  What kind of spring-cleaning are you doing?

How are you eliminating toxins…. in your diet, beauty products, cleaning products?  What kind of movement are you doing to oxgenate and strengthen?

What kind of practices are you doing to ease the stress of conceiving – meditation?  Better and more sleep?  Yoga?  Massage?  The more you choose to become your own master of health the more empowered you will feel in your own ability to conceive.  You will feel more in control which will help to ease anxiety and reduce cortisol (the stress hormone)  The more cortisol in your system, the more it throws your delicate hormonal balance into pandemonium.

Men’s Health in Conceiving Naturally

Is your partner aware of what is involved in the path to fertility?  Is he making changes to his health routine? Men’s health has just a critical role in conception. Things such as alcohol, being overweight, no exercise, bad sleep, too much caffeine and too many toxins can affect sperm motility (how fast the spermies swim)Men’s Health in Conceiving Naturally

How involved is your partner in making lifestyle change for himself?

How supportive is he of you making lifestyle changes such as eating different foods, getting out to exercise, throwing out toxic products and clearing out space in your home to get rid of clutter?

Does he come with you to doctor appointments that are about your reproductive health?

Is he aware of some of the challenges involved in getting pregnant with Assisted Reproductive Technology such as IVF? Is he open to getting tested as well for sperm motility?

The more involved and supportive you both are as a couple, the smoother your path to pregnancy will be.